Using a reloading press to load your own bullets is the best economical option. Home reloading helps to reload specific bullets to better one’s experience in shooting. Shop online at Bartlett Arms & Ammo to find the Reloading Press to suit your needs, we stock Lee Precision Presses look at our range, Lee 50th Anniversary Reloading Kit, Lee Breech Lock Classic Cast Press, Lee Pro 1000 9mm Luger.
Features the same components as the 50th Anniversary Kit, but we have replaced the Safety Prime with the New Auto-Prime shell holders. This kit is for those who prefer to prime off the press.
Lee Pro1000 progressive 3-Hole reloading Kit for 223 Rem. Includes press, PaceSetter 2-die set (Full Length Sizer, Bullet Seater/Crimper), 3-Hole Turret, #4 Shell Plate, Auto-Drum Powder Measure, Short Charging Die, Universal Case Feeder and Small Priming system. Note: This press may be used to load 5.56 NATO (5.56 x 45mm) brass.
This press only accepts the 3-Hole Turret.
Pro1000 pictured mounted to the Lee Reloading Stand, sold separately.
The Lee Pro 1000 progressive 3-hole reloading kit for 38 Special. Includes press, dies (Carbide Full-Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating dies), 3-Hole Turret, #1 Shell Plate, Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case feeder, and priming system.
This press only accepts the 3-Hole Turret.
Pro 1000 pictured mounted to the Lee Reloading Stand, sold separately.
Lee Pro 1000 progressive 3-hole reloading kit for 40 S&W. Includes press, dies (Carbide Full Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating Dies), 3-Hole Turret, #19 Shell Plate, Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case Feeder, and priming system. This press can also reload the 10mm Auto. To reload the 10mm Auto, purchase a Large Primer Trough and 10mm Load data.
This press only accepts the 3-Hole Turret.
Pro 1000 pictured mounted to the Lee Reloading Stand, sold separately.
Lee Pro 1000 progressive 3-hole reloading kit for 44 Special/44 Magnum. Includes press, dies (Carbide Full Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating dies), 3-Hole Turret, #11 Shell Plate, Pro Auto Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case Feeder and priming system.
This press only accepts the 3-Hole Turret.
Pro 1000 pictured mounted to the Lee Reloading Stand, sold separately.
Lee Pro 1000 progressive 3-Hole reloading kit for 45 ACP. Includes press, dies (Full Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating Dies), 3-Hole Turret, #2 Shell Plate, Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case Feeder and priming system.
This press only accepts the 3-Hole Turret.
Pro 1000 pictured mounted to the Lee Reloading Stand, sold separately.
Lee Pro 1000 progressive 3-hole reloading kit for 9mm Luger. Includes press, dies (Carbide Full-Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating Dies), 3-Hole Turret, #19 Shell Plate, Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case Feeder, and priming system.
Lee Load-Master progressive 5-hole reloading kit for 9mm Luger. Includes Carbide 3-Die Set (Carbide Full-Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating Dies), Turret, #19 Shell Plate, Pro Auto Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case Feeder, and Small Primer Feed.
Includes the new Breech Lock Challenger Press and one Breech Lock quick-change bushing. You get a complete powder handling system, with the most convenient and repeatable Perfect Powder Measure. Plus the Lee Safety Scale, the most sensitive and safest of all powder scales and fill your case with the included Powder Funnel.
Case Preparation Tools include the Lee Value Trim case trimmer to trim on your reloading press (order cartridge specific Quick Trim Die separately), and a Cutter and Lock Stud to trim your cases by hand. If utilizing the cutter and lock stud, order the correct Case Length Gauge for the calibers you will be loading. An included Chamfer Tool chamfers the inside and outside of the case mouth and a tube of premium Sizing Lube is included. A small and large Primer Pocket-cleaning Tool completes the case preparation package.
Lee Bullet Feed Fit Automatically feeds bullets into the mouth of the bullet seating die for pistol calibers only. Used with the Pro 1000 or Load-Master Presses.
Used for 40 cal through 44 cal bullets, with lengths from .65" up to .80" long.
Lee Bullet Feed Fit Automatically feeds bullets into the mouth of the bullet seating die for pistol calibers only. Can be used on the Pro 1000, Pro 4000, Auto Breech Lock Pro, or Load-Master Presses. if using it on Pro 4000 or Auto Breech Lock Pro, you will need a lock-ring and breech lock bushing for station #2.
Used for 9mm to .365 diameter bullets, with lengths from .60" up to .75" long.
The Lee Breech Lock Classic Cast is a rigid cast iron construction with all-steel linkage.
Durable powder-coated finish with the largest opening and the longest stroke in the industry.
The adjustable handle is movable from right to left and the length plus swing position is fully adjustable with a 48-tooth ratchet type handle clamp.
The industry's largest 1 1/8" diameter hollow ram to catch every primer with hose fitting to allow primer disposal directly to a trash can.
Supported by over 12 square inches of ram bearing surface.
Threaded die adapter accepts standard 7/8-14 dies.
Lee Lever Prime System features the bottom of stroke priming for unmatched sensitivity.
Now with the Breech Lock System, an outstanding value. Exclusive balance lever that can't drop down to pinch your fingers. Unlimited hand clearance that only a "C" frame can offer. Works equally well with the right or left hand. Even if you already own a press, an extra press is always useful for decapping, bullet seating or bullet sizing. Accepts standard 7/8 x14 thread dies and standard Universal Press Shell Holders.
Lee Precision Breech Lock Reloader Press is shown mounted to the Lee Bench Plate system, sold as an accessory.
The original and world's most popular hand-held priming tool. Fast and economical handheld priming with unmatched feel and accuracy. Lee New Auto Prime uses inexpensive Lee Hand Prime shell holders only. Ships with 1 folding primer tray, 1 small and 1 large adapter.
Lee Bulge Buster Kit and the appropriate Lee Factory Crimp Die assures your mixed brass is bulge free. This push through die adapter will quickly remove the annoying bulge rings that shell holder constrained dies simply can't reach.
Lee Load-Master progressive 5-hole reloading kit for 40 S&W. Includes dies (Carbide Full-Length Size, Powder Through Expanding and Bullet Seating Dies), Turret, #19s Shell Plate, Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure, Universal Case Feeder, and Small Primer Feed. This press can also reload 10mm Auto. To reload the 10mm Auto, purchase a Large Primer Feed and 10mm Load data.