Reloading Equipment in South Africa, shop online at Bartlett Arms & Ammo, we have all the reloading components you will need for your firearm, save money with reloading your own ammunition, we have bullets, cases, reloading presses andkits, scales, and case preparation tools.
Lee 243 Winchester Collet Die only uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 25/06 Collet Die only that uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 270 Win Collet Die only that uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 30/06 Collet Die only that uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 300 Win Mag Collet Die only that uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 308 Win Collet Die only that uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 6.5 Creedmoor Collet Die only uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 22/250 Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 222 Remington Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 223 Remington Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and instructions/Load Data.
This die set may be used to load 5.56 NATO (5.56 x 45mm) brass. You must follow load data published for the 5.56 NATO, available from your favorite powder maufacturer.
Lee 243 Winchester Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 25/06 Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 30/06 Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 300 WSM Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 303 British Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 308 Winchester Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper, and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 375 H&H Mag Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 7X57 Mauser Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 8X57 Mauser Collet Die Set includes a Collet Die that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out, Dead Length Bullet Seater Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.