Lee 223 Collet Die only that uses a Collet to squeeze a Mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
Lee 7mm Remington Magnum Collet Die only that uses a collet to squeeze a mandrel, creating a precisely aligned case neck while reducing run out. Sizes just the neck and requires no lubrication.
9.3x62 Factory Crimp Die in 7/8 x 14" thread crimps the bullet in place more firmly than any other tool. Tests demonstrate that even bullets with no crimp groove will shoot more accurately. A firm crimp improves accuracy because pressure must build to a higher level before the bullet begins to move. This higher start pressure ensures a more uniform pressure curve and less velocity variation.
Lee 223 Rem Factory Crimp Die crimps the bullet in place more firmly than any other tool. Works with 223 Remington and 223 Ackley Improved. Tests demonstrate that even bullets which have no crimp groove will shoot more accurately. A firm crimp improves accuracy because pressure must build to a higher level before the bullet begins to move. This higher start pressure insures a more uniform pressure curve and less velocity variation.
Lee 375 H&H Factory Crimp Die crimps the bullet in place more firmly than any other tool. Tests demonstrate that even bullets that have no crimp groove will shoot more accurately. A firm crimp improves accuracy because pressure must build to a higher level before the bullet begins to move. This higher start pressure insures a more uniform pressure curve and less velocity variation.
Lee 300 H&H PaceSetter 3-Die Set includes a Full-Length Sizing Die, Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die, Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper, and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 6.5 PRC Very Ltd. Production 3-Die Set. Includes Full-Length Sizing Die, Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die, Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper, and Instructions/Load Data
Lee 222 Rem Pacesetter 3-Die Set includes Full-Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper, and Instructions/Load Data.
Lee 30/06 Pacesetter 3-Die Set includes Full Length Sizing Die, Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die, Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data