If you are looking for replacement toggles TP2128, we no longer have any replacements available, and you would need to update your lever system to the new Roller Handle Assembly or purchase.
If you are looking for replacement toggles TP3007, the Challenger press was discontinued in 2006 and the Toggles (the part that goes from the Ram to the Lever) are no longer available. You are able to update the Toggle system with the newer style currently found on the Breech Lock Challenger Press.
The parts needed to do this are as follows:
(1) OF3221 - Ram Pin - /ram-pin-step
(1) OF3662 - Lever Clamp - /Press-Lever-Clamp
(1) OF3609 - Washer - /1-3-16-steel-washer
(1) FO2113 - Bolt - /1-1-4-5-16-18-bolt
(2) OF2853 - Toggles - /bl-challenger-toggle
Part OF2853 for product BREECH LOCK CHALLENGER (Product # 90588), Pro 1000, and Turret Presses (Product #'s 90496 and 90932).